Treatment duration

1 -2 hours





Clinic stay

1 - 2 days

Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 2 weeks

Treatment duration

1 -2 hours





Clinic stay

1 - 2 days

Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 2 weeks

Again wear dresses without long sleeves and tops with triangles!

You do not have to hide the upper arms in long sleeves because the skin is too flabby. You can achieve a lot through sports, but sagging skin unfortunately does not shrink away with sports. You can create a beautiful upper arm silhouette again with an upper arm lift. Sometimes the lifting must also be combined with liposuction to achieve an optimal result.

Individual incision if necessary in combination with liposuction for beautiful firm upper arms.

Non-binding price inquiry

Frequently asked questions

The questions and answers listed here are frequently requested examples and not a conclusive clarification. Your reading is not a substitute for an individual consultation. During this consultation, all relevant risks and possible side effects are explained in detail.

The upper arm lift is performed under anesthesia. Mobility after the operation is somewhat limited due to a feeling of tension and pain. Depending on the complexity of the incision, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis or during a short inpatient stay. After surgery, your arms will be wrapped and you will then need to wear a bolero for compression for a period of six weeks.

Medications that have a blood-thinning effect must be discontinued before surgery.

The scars run on the inside of the arm, so they are not visible from the front and back.

They can have a not inconsiderable influence on a complication-free healing process. This begins before the operation with the renunciation of nicotine, which should also be continued after the operation in order to avoid wound healing disorders.

After the surgery you will need to wear a bolero for compression for six weeks, for this time you should take it easy on your body.

During the upper arm lift, the formation of sores and inflammation of the scars may occur.