Treatment duration

3 - 4 hours


Anesthesia - twilight sleep


Removable head bandage

Clinic stay

1 - 2 days

Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 3 weeks

Treatment duration

3 - 4 hours


Anesthesia - twilight sleep


Removable head bandage

Clinic stay

1 - 2 days

Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 3 weeks

Do I need a facelift yet?

The youthful face is subject to a natural aging process. Initially, dynamic wrinkles appear due to muscle pull of the facial muscles. Frown lines on the forehead, laugh lines on the eyes. Furrows around the mouth and nose are results of decreasing skin elasticity. On the chin and neck, aging and gravity cause sagging skin. As the elasticity of the connective tissue decreases, facial skin sags and the fat bodies of the face slide off the zygomatic arches, creating static wrinkles.

Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, or a change in general manifest in a tired and weary facial expression.

First of all, wrinkle injections can be performed with
hyaluronic acid
Own fat
or plasma delay these changes, but after a certain point these methods no longer show the desired effect. So if there is a significant excess of skin, the only thing that helps is a lift

The typical facelift does not exist. There are now several methods available to perform a facelift. I plan very carefully according to your personal wishes and full positions. Normally, the temples, cheeks and neck are tightened all at once, usually together with a tightening of the subcutaneous tissue.

As a rule, patients who opt for a facelift are usually between 45 and 60 years old. Thanks to the various facelift methods, problem areas can be treated directly to achieve the best possible results.

Facelift methods:

  • Forehead lift
  • Eyebrow lift
  • Temple lift
  • Midface lift
  • PRESTO Facelift
  • Minifacelift
  • Cheek lift
  • Neck lift

What is the procedure like?

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the chosen method, but generally amounts to about 3-4 hours. Anesthesia or twilight sleep is used as the anesthetic method.

After the procedure, 1-2 days of hospitalization are required and a removable head bandage is applied to secure and protect it. At home, 1-3 weeks of recovery time should also be included. This time also depends on the chosen facelift method – but of course you will receive detailed information about this in a consultation.

How long is the result durable?

The results of these methods can last up to ten years. However, the natural aging process continues to take place subsequently, but can be visually reversed by a few years through the procedure.

Again, sun exposure, smoking, or an active facial expression continue to accelerate the natural process of skin aging even after the procedure. In addition, genes also determine how quickly the further aging process progresses.

Risks of a facelift

As with any other surgery, complications can occur with a facelift. These include swelling, redness, post-operative bleeding, infection, and wound healing problems. You can already counteract these risks by abstaining from nicotine both before and after the procedure.

Due to the good blood flow to the face, bruising and swelling are among the risks that may occur during this procedure. However, the swelling usually regresses by the third day.

Blood-thinning medications must therefore also be discontinued in sufficient time before surgery. However, the numbness of the skin in front of the ears cannot be avoided and usually lasts for a few weeks. However, full recovery of the skin nerves may take several months.

The typical standard facelift does not exist. The surgical procedure must be individually adapted and depends on the desired changes and the initial findings. In a personal consultation we will find the most suitable method of facial rejuvenation for you.

Non-binding price inquiry

Frequently asked questions

The questions and answers listed here are frequently requested examples and not a conclusive clarification. Your reading is not a substitute for an individual consultation. During this consultation, all relevant risks and possible side effects are explained in detail.

The facelift is performed under anesthesia. Minilifting and minor tightening can also be performed under local anesthesia. Twilight sleep is sometimes more comfortable for patients. Since the face has a good blood supply, an anesthetic and a drug that constricts the blood vessels under the skin are injected. As a result, the operation can be performed with little bleeding and the fine structures in the face are spared.

Therefore, you will have almost no pain after the operation. The face swells during the first two days after surgery and a feeling of tightness may occur. To reduce swelling, a mild head dressing is applied at the end of surgery. Also, the face should be cooled after the procedure.

After a major facelift, one to two days in the clinic is recommended. A minilift is also performed on an outpatient basis.

The head dressing is removed on the first day after surgery and plaster strips (steristrips) are applied to the scars.

The course of the scar depends on the surgical procedure chosen and this, in turn, depends on your excess skin and wrinkles. Sometimes a mini-facelift with scarring in front of the ear is all that is needed. In other cases, however, a neck lift is also required, so that the scar has to be guided to behind the ear into the hairline.

The incision during the operation is made in such a way that the later course of the scar remains inconspicuous. The scars are usually delicate and inconspicuous, but scarring varies from individual to individual.

Careful washing of the hair is already possible after two to three days.

You can directly influence a complication-free healing process. This begins before the operation with the renunciation of nicotine, which should also be continued after the operation in order to avoid wound healing disorders.

You should also avoid physical exertion and activities involving the head for six weeks after surgery. The same applies to direct sunlight.

Light sports activities can be started after two weeks.

Medications that have a blood-thinning effect must be discontinued before the procedure.

Depending on the surgical effort, the chosen form of anesthesia and the length of the inpatient stay, the costs for a facelift range from 5,000 to 12,000 euros.

A blanket answer is therefore unfortunately not possible here. You are welcome to make a personal consultation appointment.

Because of good blood circulation to the face, bruising and swelling are among the risks of facelift surgery. However, the swelling usually regresses by the third day.

Blood thinning medications must be discontinued in sufficient time before surgery. Bruises follow gravity and can therefore also occur on the neck.

The numbness of the skin in front of the ears cannot be avoided and usually lasts for a few weeks. However, full recovery of the skin nerves may take several months.