Treatment duration

1 - 2 hours


local/caemic sleep/anaesthesia


Star - Strips

Clinic stay


Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 2 weeks

Treatment duration

1 - 2 hours


local/caemic sleep/anaesthesia


Star - Strips

Clinic stay


Follow-up treatments

Dressing change

Recovery time

1 - 2 weeks

Corrective surgery on the eyelids - small operation, big effect

A tired facial expression due to drooping eyelids or a sad look due to bags under the eyes can be corrected with a minor procedure.

Constantly raising your eyebrows because eyelids are too heavy can cause headaches and deep wrinkles on your forehead.

If bags under the eyes are present, the tear trough can be filled with autologous fat or hyaluronic acid or, depending on the findings, surgical correction may be necessary. This challenging surgery involves tightening the lower eyelid and muscle and redistributing/positioning and possibly slightly reducing or removing fatty tissue.

Drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes make tired and sad eyes. Modern plastic procedures will help you to awake and smiling eyes.


Upper eyelid and lower eyelid

  • how much excess skin is there?
  • does the fat body prolapse?
  • is the muscle flaccid?
  • is the eyelid frenulum too loose?
  • is the lower eyelid too long?
  • are the eyebrows too low?

Let me advise you individually about the possibilities and necessities of upper and lower eyelid correction.

Non-binding price inquiry

Frequently asked questions

The questions and answers listed here are frequently requested examples and not a conclusive clarification. Your reading is not a substitute for an individual consultation. During this consultation, all relevant risks and possible side effects are explained in detail.

The upper eyelid lift is performed under local anesthesia and, if desired, combined with twilight sleep, in an outpatient procedure. Lower eyelid correction is usually performed under local anesthesia with twilight sleep or under general anesthesia.

Constant cooling after surgery is important to prevent swelling. You should bring sunglasses to the surgery to protect your eyes from drafts and sunlight after the procedure.

The scars on the upper eyelid run in the fold of the eyelid and are inconspicuous after the operation. In lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the scars run along the edge of the eyelashes, so they are covered by the eyelashes.

They can have a not inconsiderable influence on a complication-free healing process. Head up and cool compresses after surgery.
You should also avoid physical exertion and activities with the head in a low position for two weeks after surgery.

Light sports activities can be started after two weeks.
The suture material is removed after seven to ten days.

Medications that have a blood-thinning effect must be discontinued before the procedure.

Depending on the surgical effort and the chosen form of anesthesia, the costs start at 1800 euros for an upper eyelid lift under local anesthesia.

Because of the good blood flow to the face, bruising and swelling are among the risks. The swelling is usually regressed from the third day. Blood thinning medications must be discontinued in sufficient time before surgery.